Advanced Academic Programs (AAP)

McNair Community AAP Newsletter

September 2024

Full Time Screening Resources

Here are resources that Mrs. Janofsky and Mrs. Burg shared at the Full Time AAP Screening Identification meetings held in November. Remember, Full Time AAP Referrals are due by December 15th, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.

Full Time Information Session Slides  (English)  (Spanish)

Full Time Referral Parent Checklist (English)  (Spanish)

Multiple Pathways to Advanced Academics Program Services in FCPS

The Advanced Academic Program (AAP) in FCPS strives to develop the talents of all students and provide challenge through:

  • Talent development 
  • Differentiation to meet the needs of advanced learners

McNair Upper is committed to providing ALL students access and opportunities to rigorous learning experiences. There are many access points to the AAP curriculum to meet each learner’s needs:

  • EVERY student receives access and opportunity to work with the Advanced Academic Program curriculum through Access to Rigor
  • SOME advanced learners  receive the AAP curriculum with increased frequency and intensity. These levels of  services are: Subject Specific Advanced Differentiation, Part Time Services and Full Time Services. Additional screening is required for students to receive these services.

Accessing Advanced Academic Program Services

Please see information from the AAP Office regarding information, timelines, and resources for advanced academic services.

Young Scholars

McNair Upper is committed to the Young Scholars Model as a way of nurturing students with high-academic ability who may face additional barriers to access to or success in AAP Programs

Our Advanced Academics Resource Teacher (AART)

For any questions about the Advanced Academics Program (AAP) program at McNair Upper, please contact our Advanced Academics Resource Teacher.

Our Advanced Academic Resource Teacher

Have you registered for News You Choose emails?

All important communication regarding abilities testing and referral deadlines will be shared via the weekly McNair Upper News You Choose emails. Read these emails carefully and frequently to stay updated!